Thursday, October 15, 2009

Polishing Your Application, By IIE Staff

1. Make sure that your application follows the directions and is neat and easy to read. A 12 point non-script font is required with one-inch margins. Make sure that the paper copy mailed to IIE is on 8½ x 11" white bond paper only.

2. Be sure your name, field and country are on each page of the application.

3. Do not send resumes. They will not be passed on to the screening committees.

4. Make sure that you are not proposing a multi-country project that is not allowed, (i.e., across world regions, or between or among countries that do not allow multi-country projects).

5. Make sure that you are not listing alternate countries as a 2nd or 3rd choice; this is not allowed.

6. If you are applying for one of the English Teaching Assistantship (ETA) programs, be sure to select "Teaching Assistantship," code 5120, as your field of study. Only applicants applying for an ETA program should use this code.

7. Please do not staple anything to the application.

8. Please collate the application in numerical page order and fasten all pieces together with a paper clip or binder clip. Do not staple the application.

9. Make sure to answer both questions asked in item #27 pertaining to felony convictions.

10. Don’t forget to SIGN the application at the bottom of Page 1.

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